KOSTI represents the interests of Korea by cooperating on the international stage, and strengthens cooperation with the international community.

Response to International Export Control Systems

KOSTI proactively cooperates with various players in the international community by analyzing the domestic impact of amendments made to the four major international export control system guidelines/items, and by proposing amendments to the control standards in consideration of the Korean industrial environment.

WA (Wassenaar Arrangement)
AG (Australia Group)
NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group)
MTCR (Missile Technology Control regime)

Cooperation with Relevant Overseas Organizations

KOSTI is strengthening its cooperation with foreign governments and related organizations via MOUs, and it is raising Korea’s status as a leading country in trade security in the international community by hosting international seminars and outreach programs.

USA 영국 프랑스 중국 필리핀 말레이시아


  • 2019.08

    National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
  • 2018.11

    James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
  • 2018.11

    the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS)
  • 2011.07

    Center For International Trade & Security (CITS), the University of Georgia


  • 2017.09

    King’s College London (KCL)


  • 2017.09

    Syndicat des Industries Exportatrices de Produits Strategiques (SIEPS)


  • 2016.06

    Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)

The Philippines

  • 2018.05

    Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)


  • 2017.07

    Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)